

香港公司註冊流程以其簡便和高效而著稱。 整個過程需要 1 至2 個工作日,我們會備妥所需文件郵寄給您。 申請前請核實您是否齊備以下資料:

  • 香港公司需要至少一名股東(公司或個人)
  • 至少一名董事
  • 法定秘書一名(由香港永久性居民或香港公司擔任)

Before we get started

Choose your company type

Decide if you want to create a Limited Company or Unlimited Company.

Decide your company name

Check if your company name is available. You may choose to have either an English or Chinese name, or both.

Identify your directors and shareholders

A sole director can also be a shareholder, but a sole director cannot also be a company secretary.

Get a registered non-PO box address.

If you don't have one, we can provide an address to receive government notices.

Choose a company secretary

The representative can be a person or corporation, but they must be in Hong Kong.

Allocate the initial capital

Other than regulated industries, companies in Hong Kong can choose to incorporate with as little as HK$1 in initial capital.

Ready to incorporate your Hong Kong company?


Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners to register a Hong Kong company and the client does not need to live in Hong Kong.

Yes, you can register a company remotely. We will forward all the relevant documents to your address accordingly.

Yes we do. You will have direct access to the company secretary handling your company's compliance needs and to answer any related questions you may have.

Yes, we provide mail forwarding to clients that use our Registered Office service. Clients can choose for their mail to be forwarded to them, or scanned and emailed to them.

Yes, we will guide you step-by-step through the bank account opening process and introduce you to small business bank account managers at various banks in Hong Kong.